The explosion in the vicinity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has triggered significant responses.

By AfgNews Team

The explosion in the vicinity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has triggered significant responses.

On Monday, a suicide attack near the Foreign Ministry's checkpoint in downtown Kabul resulted in the deaths of six people and injured several others, including three Islamic Emirate forces. The attacker was gunned down before reaching the target but explosives attached to his body were detonated. Politicians and diplomatic missions in Kabul condemned the attack, and the UN mission in Afghanistan called it unacceptable to continue targeting ordinary Afghans. The Daesh group claimed responsibility for the attack, but the Islamic Emirate stated that they are working to eradicate Daesh from the country. One of the deceased was a former Afghan diplomat, Asadullah Rahmani, who served in various countries. The US special envoy for Afghanistan expressed his condolences and reiterated that terrorism is indefensible.