
According to a study by Oxfam, the top 1% of the world's wealthiest individuals are accumulating two-thirds of the world's new wealth, with their collective fortunes growing by $2.7 billion each day.

By AfgNews Team

According to a study by Oxfam, the top 1% of the world's wealthiest individuals are accumulating two-thirds of the world's new wealth, with their collective fortunes growing by $2.7 billion each day.

A new report by Oxfam reveals that the world's richest 1% have amassed nearly two-thirds of all new wealth created in the world over the past two years. The report states that $42 trillion in new wealth has been created since 2020, with $26 trillion or 63% of that being amassed by the top 1% of the super-rich, while the remaining $16 trillion was shared among the rest of the world. The report also highlights that billionaires' fortunes have increased by $2.7 billion a day over the past two years, and that inflation is outpacing wages for 1.7 billion workers, with 820 million people going hungry.